This tree was what is known as a "points tree". Before the builder could get his/her Certificate of Occupation he/she needed to install trees equivalent to the number of points required per thousand square ft. of lot size. These were probably two 2"+ trees. This tree has a lot of epicormic growth but the main trunk and central leader has failed. All too often these rubber hoses and wire are attached to the tree and staked at 45 degrees to stabilize the tree until it gets established. Not really necessary usually and what happens when no one ever takes responsibility for removing the hose and wire when the trunk grows beyond its capacity? The trunk becomes girdled and the tree dies. In this house it looks like it was foreclosed on before anyone bought it so one was there to care for the tree and the landscapers that put it in were not contracted to remove the stabilization wires. Now does the county have the resources to make sure that all homeowners that put in trees cared for them to guarantee their success? Probably not. Big county, small staff.
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